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Indians will have to take things into their own hands at some point of time. Not to kill cowardly as these criminals has done. But to defend themselves against the like of these shameless cowardly criminals.


Jagdeo will have to start acting in balancing the armed forces. It is painful to see instead of the armed forces chasing after the criminals they busy stamping the chest of indian demonstrators and beating them senselessly. This is nothing short of racial atrocities.

Armed forces  stamping the chest of indian demonstrator  Minimum-force

The armed forces are simply pussyfooting like Jagdeo and the PPP. How could Roger Khan and Gadraj in the past found the criminals? Why can't the police and army not apprehend the criminals. Why the police always fail to respond? So don't let any of these PNC idiots try to hoodwink anyone of you with some bullcock story about a missing woman, is the reason forkilling 11 innocent indians inclusive of 6 children. What utter thrash. They the police seems to be aware of what is happening. And they are just turning a blind eye.

These kinds of senseless murdering of innocent indians will continue and some will pass off as robbery when in fact is the same ethnic cleansing killings. Jagdeo need to act quickly to balance the one sided armed forces. Meanwhile the indians need to organize themselves not to kill senselessly as I said earlier, but rather to defend themselves. The indians need to bear in mind that the police, army and the government will not protect them. They have to do it themselves. They should seek help from overseas Guyanese and the US government, Britain, Israel and probably France.

In closing I must express my OUTRAGE and disgust at which these innocent folks has lost their lives for no reason atall. I condemn it in the strongest terms possible. I demand quick action from the Guyana government, police forces, in apprehending these shameless murderers of children and adult. Bring in Scotland yard, the FBI, etc. Do whatever is necessary. Justice must be served and served quickly.

A.P  -     Mon, 28 Jan 2008  Mind_boggling by A.P